Itireleng Kaunda discovered her passion for baking during COVID-19.
IAm Itireleng Kaunda
Articles Itireleng Kaunda, CIA Oct 09, 2023
Over the years, I have struggled to find a hobby and stick with it. From crocheting to making dresses for my friends, I would always lose interest because I could not find the time to build my skills.
During the COVID-19 pandemic I had some time, and I was asked to bake a cake for my sister’s birthday. I was nervous, as I am a perfectionist — and I was hopeless at baking. I could never get the ingredients and temperature right. However, I like to be challenged. In my internal auditor work, I always face challenging tasks, so I didn’t let my fear of failing stop me.
Since that day, my baking skills and creativity have greatly improved. I enjoy the therapeutic benefits of baking cakes, scones, and dinner rolls. While experimenting, I discovered a secret ingredient for my scones, which is what my family and friends like best. My dream now is to open a bakery called The Cakes Corner.