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On the Frontlines: Why Use RPA?

Blogs Brian Jackson, CPA May 05, 2023

Robotic process automation is rapidly transforming the way businesses operate. It is a technology that enables companies to automate their routine, repetitive, and high-volume tasks, allowing them to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and free up valuable resources. 

However, as with any new technology, RPA also introduces new risks that internal audit professionals need to consider. Let’s explore RPA from an internal auditing perspective and examine the risks it helps to minimize as well as those it introduces.

Benefits of RPA

RPA can provide significant benefits to businesses. It can help organizations reduce costs, improve efficiency, and optimize their operations. Here are some of the key benefits of RPA for businesses:

  • Cost Reduction: RPA can help organizations reduce their operational costs by automating repetitive and routine tasks. RPA bots can perform tasks faster and with higher accuracy than humans, leading to cost savings.
  • Improved Efficiency: RPA can help organizations improve their efficiency by automating tasks that are time-consuming, repetitive, and prone to errors. This allows employees to focus on higher-value tasks, such as analysis and decision-making.
  • Scalability: RPA can help organizations scale their operations quickly and easily. RPA bots can be deployed on demand, allowing organizations to respond quickly to changing business needs.
  • Improved Compliance: RPA can help organizations improve their compliance by automating controls and detecting unusual activities in real-time. This helps organizations identify and mitigate potential compliance issues before they become significant problems.
  • Increased Accuracy: RPA can help organizations improve their accuracy by reducing the potential for human error. RPA bots are programmed to perform tasks with high accuracy, reducing the risk of mistakes.
  • Better Customer Service: RPA can help organizations improve their customer service by automating tasks such as customer onboarding, order processing, and complaint handling. This allows organizations to respond quickly to customer needs and improve their overall customer experience.

The potential to provide significant benefits to businesses by reducing costs, improving efficiency, and optimizing operations is immense. However, it is essential for organizations to understand the risks and challenges associated with RPA and take appropriate action to manage them. Internal audit professionals can play a crucial role in assessing the risks of RPA and helping organizations implement and optimize their RPA initiatives. By doing so, they can help organizations realize the full potential of RPA and achieve their strategic objectives.

Risks Introduced by RPA

The implementation of RPA can introduce several risks to an organization. One of the most significant risks is the potential for errors in the programming of bots. RPA relies on computer code to automate tasks, and any errors in the code could result in significant operational and financial issues. For example, if an RPA bot is programmed to perform a task incorrectly, it could lead to incorrect data inputs, leading to incorrect reports or decisions.

Another significant risk is the potential for security breaches. RPA bots are programmed to access sensitive data, and if not adequately secured, they can be vulnerable to cyberattacks. Hackers could use bots to extract confidential data, leading to financial loss, reputational damage, and regulatory violations.

Risks Minimized by RPA

Despite the risks, RPA can help minimize several risks for an organization. One of the most significant risks RPA can help minimize is the risk of fraud. RPA can reduce the risk of fraud by automating controls and detecting unusual activities in real-time. For example, if an RPA bot is programmed to detect unusual transactions, it can immediately notify internal audit professionals, who can investigate and take appropriate action.

Another significant risk that RPA can help minimize is the risk of human error. Human errors can occur due to fatigue, distraction, or lack of focus, leading to significant operational and financial issues. RPA can automate high-volume, repetitive, and routine tasks, allowing employees to focus on higher-value activities and reducing the risk of human error.

Transformational Tech

RPA is a transformational technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way businesses operate. However, it is essential to understand the risks introduced by RPA and how to manage them. Internal audit professionals need to consider the risks and opportunities of RPA and take appropriate action to safeguard their organizations. By doing so, they can help their organizations realize the benefits of RPA while minimizing the risks.

Brian Jackson, CPA

Brian Jackson is a former internal audit director at Lenovo and is now an executive recruiter for Versique Search & Consulting, based in Minneapolis.